All Words are comes from daily newspaper like The Hindu, The Times of India, The Indian Express and Economic Times 1. B olster - बळकट (verb) Support or strengthen; prop up / Provide (a seat) with padded support Synonyms- support, reinforce, fortify, buttress Antonyms - undermine, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate 2. B uoy - उत्साह (verb) Keep (someone or something) afloat / Cause to become cheerful or confident / Cause (a price) to rise to or remain at a high level Synonyms- hearten, uplift, buck up, encourage, enliven, stimulate Antonyms - crush one's spirit, knock sideways, knock the stuffing out of 3. D azzling - लखलखीत (adjective) Extremely bright, esp. so as to blind the eyes temporarily / Extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful Synonyms- brilliant, bright, magnificent, ravishing, splendid, exquisite Antonyms - dark, dull, gloomy, hazy, murk...
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