All Words are comes from daily newspaper like The Hindu, The Times of India, The Indian Express and Economic Times
1. Bolster - बळकट
- (verb) Support or strengthen; prop up / Provide (a seat) with padded support
- Synonyms- support, reinforce, fortify, buttress
- Antonyms - undermine, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate
2. Buoy - उत्साह
- (verb) Keep (someone or something) afloat / Cause to become cheerful or confident / Cause (a price) to rise to or remain at a high level
- Synonyms- hearten, uplift, buck up, encourage, enliven, stimulate
- Antonyms - crush one's spirit, knock sideways, knock the stuffing out of
3. Dazzling - लखलखीत
- (adjective) Extremely bright, esp. so as to blind the eyes temporarily / Extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful
- Synonyms- brilliant, bright, magnificent, ravishing, splendid, exquisite
- Antonyms - dark, dull, gloomy, hazy, murky, dim, dreary, unsophisticated
4. Detention - अटक
- (noun) The action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody, esp. as a political prisoner / The punishment of being kept in school after hours
- Synonyms- custody, imprisonment, arrest, incarceration, prison, internment
- Antonyms - redemption, release, liberation, freedom, aid, escape, promptness
5. Dilemma - कोंडी , असमंजस
- (noun) A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, esp. equally undesirable ones / A difficult situation or problem / An argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavorable alternatives
- Synonyms- Quandary, predicament, perplexity, difficulty
- Antonyms - Surety, confirmation, corroboration
6. Garner- एकत्र
- (verb) gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
- Synonyms- collect, gather, amass, accumulate, granary, hoard
- Antonyms - disperse, dissipate, distribute, dispel, squander
7. Hostage - ओलिस, बंधक
- (noun) A person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition
- Synonyms- surety, captive, prisoner, pawn, detainee,
- Antonyms - captor, warden, undependability, foreboding, inkling,
8. Mitigation - कमी करणे, निवविणे
- (noun) The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something
- Synonyms- Alleviation, reduction, lessening, diminution
- Antonyms - Intensification, increase
9. Persuade - खात्री पटवणे
- (verb) Cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument / Cause (someone) to believe something, esp. after a sustained effort; convince
- Synonyms- convince, influence, induce, coax, sway, cajole, incline
- Antonyms - dissuade, prevent, discourage, deter, stop, repress
10. Plunge - उडी
- (verb) Jump or dive quickly and energetically/ Fall suddenly and uncontrollably / Embark impetuously on a speech or course of action
- (noun) An act of jumping or diving into water / A swift and drastic fall in value or amount
- Synonyms- Crash, Plummet, tumble, drop
- Antonyms - soar, go, up, rise
11. Relent - माघार
- (verb) Abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment / (esp. of bad weather) Become less severe or intense
- Synonyms- slacken, weaken, diminish, ease up
- Antonyms - rise, grow, intensify
12. resilient - संवेदनशील
- (adjective) (of a substance or object) Able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed
- Synonyms- Strong, tough, hardy
- Antonyms - rigid, stiff
13. Robust - मजबूत
- (adjective) (of a person, animal, or plant) Strong and healthy; vigorous / (of an object) Sturdy in construction / (of action) Involving physical force or energy
- Synonyms- Sturdy, Vigorous, powerful, tough
- Antonyms - weak, frail, infirm, delicate
14. Strive - प्रयत्नशील
- (verb) Struggle or fight vigorously / Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something
- Synonyms- endeavour, attempt, seek
- Antonyms - ignore, avoid
15. Telling - प्रभावशाली
- (adjective) Having a striking or revealing effect; significant
- Synonyms- effective, revealing, significant, weighty
- Antonyms - ineffective, unimportant, unconvincing, insignificant
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