1. Arena - रिंगण, आखाडा
- (noun) A level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which sports / A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict
- Synonyms- field, sphere, domain, scene, stadium, province, world, rink, amphitheater
- Antonyms- range, rising, terrain, town, hilltop, urban, break room
2. Belligerence - भांडखोर
- (noun) Aggressive or warlike behavior,
- Synonyms- pugnacity, bellicosity, militancy, aggression, truculence, hostility, fight, antagonism
- Antonyms- favor, good relationship, mutual understanding, affection, benevolence, benignity, clemency, docility
3. Bona fide - वास्तविक
- (adjective) genuine, real
- Synonyms- authentic, honest, actual
- Antonyms- bogus, fake, unreal
4. Coercion - जबरदस्ती
- (noun) The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats
- Synonyms - force, violence, constraint, duress, brutality, severity, ferocity, fury
- Antonyms- fine touch, democracy, liberty, autonomy, aegis, anti-bullying, auspices, coax, charge
5. Contemplate - चिंतन करणे
- (verb) to think about whether you should do something or how you should do something
- Synonyms- think about, consider, ponder
- Antonyms- disregard, discard, ignore
6. Delve - सखोल चौकशी
- (verb) Reach inside a receptacle and search for something / Research or make painstaking inquiries into something
- Synonyms- investigate, look into, explore, examine
- Antonyms- ignore, overlook
7. Dignity - गौरव आत्मसन्मान
- (noun) A sense of pride in oneself; self-respect
- Synonyms- Self-esteem, morale, prid
- Antonyms- dishonour, immorality
8. Embark - आरंभ, सुरूवात
- (verb) Go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle / Put or take on board a ship or aircraft / Begin (a course of action, esp. one that is important or demanding)
- Synonyms- board, start, enter, venture, begin, ship, commence, initiate, launch, leave
- Antonyms- disembark, end, leave, stop, conclude, finish, arrive, cessation, debark, retire, conclusion
9. Flux - प्रवाह
- (verb) Treat (a metal object) with a flux to promote melting
- (noun) The action or process of flowing or flowing out
- Synonyms- fuse, commingle, meld, flow, coalesce, conflate, blend, immix, liquefy
- Antonyms- permanence, stability, constancy, steadiness, exodus, fork, freezing, rivulet, balance, antiquity
10. Intimidation - दहशतवाद, घाबरवणे
- (noun) the act of frightening or threatening somebody so that they will do what you want/ The action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated
- Synonyms- terrifying, frightening, unnerving, daunting, browbeating
11. Notoriously - कुख्यात
- (adverb) o a notorious degree
- Synonyms- notably, terribly, it is well known, flagrantly, famously, awfully, egregiously, horridly, infamously
- Antonyms- anonymously, famously, generously, honorably, justly, nobly, royally, surpassingly
12. Pragmatic - तथ्य्यात्मक, व्यावहारिक
- (adjective) Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations / Relating to philosophical or political pragmatism
- Synonyms-practical, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, hardheaded, reasonable, rational
- Antonyms- impractical, idealistic, romantic, sentimental, unrealistic, naive, quixotic, daydreamer, fanciful, visionary
13. Promulgates - घोषित करणे
- (verb) to announce a new law or system officially or publicly
- Synonyms- put into effect, enact, enforce, implement, pass
- Antonyms - withhold, refrain, suppress
14. Repeal - रद्द
- (verb) Revoke or annul (a law or congressional act)
- (noun) The action of revoking or annulling a law or congressional act
- Synonyms- cancel, revoke, annul, rescind, reverse, nullify, countermand, abrogate, overturn, void, abolish, lift, invalidate, quash
- Antonyms- approval, acceptance, achieve, enact, arrange, ratify, accomplish, authorization, clearance, improve, pass, permission, sanction
15. Stentorian - बुलंद
- (adjective) (of a person's voice) Loud and powerful
- Synonyms- booming, thunderous, Loud, deafening, powerful, ear-splitting, roaring, blaring, resounding, resonant, strident, piercing, sonorous
- Antonyms- quiet, low, soft, taciturn, delicate, distant, faded, faint, feeble, hushed, inaudible, light, low-pitched
16. Transient - चंचल, अनित्य
- (adjective) Lasting only for a short time; impermanent / Staying or working in a place for only a short time
- (noun) A person who is staying or working in a place for only a short time
- Synonyms- transitory, fleeting, temporary, short-lived, ephemeral, brief, passing, momentary
- Antonyms- endless, lasting, permanent, ceaseless, everlasting, unending, constant, eternal, immanent, perpetual, strong
17. Ubiquitous - सर्वव्यापी
- (adjective) Present, appearing, or found everywhere
- Synonyms- omnipresent, universal, pervasive
- Antonyms- absent, lacking, missing, nonexistent
18. Vague - अस्पष्ट
- (adjective) of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning
- Synonyms- indistinct, indefinite, unclear
- Antonyms- definite, clear, obvious
19. Vilify - तिरस्कार करणे
- (verb) Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner
- Synonyms- malign, Vituperate, Calumniate, condemn, slander
- Antonyms- Praise, compliment, glorify
20. Wrangling - कटकटी, मोल भाव
- (verb) Have such a dispute or argument / Round up, herd, or take charge of (livestock)
- Synonyms - quarrel, strife, dispute, argument, bickering, haggle, friction
- Antonyms- agreement, alliance, consensus, harmony, peace, coalition
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