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Synonyms / Antonyms : English Grammar

 All Words are comes from daily newspaper like The Hindu, The Times of India, The Indian Express and Economic Times 

1. Animate - जिवंत 
  • (adjective) Alive or having life (often as a contrast with inanimate 
  • (verb) bring to life
  • Synonyms - living, alive, live, breathing, sentient, consious, organic, quick
  • Antonyms - inanimate 
2. Ardent - उत्साही
  • (adjective) Enthusiastic or passionate
  • Synonyms - passionate, fervent, eager, fierce 
  • Antonyms - unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent 
3. Blaze - झगमगाट 
  • (verb) (of a newspaper) Present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner
  • (noun) A white spot or stripe on the face of a mammal or bird
  • Synonyms - outburst, eruption, outbreak 
  • Antonyms - serene, calmness, placid 
4. Chunk  भाग,  तुकडा
  • (verb)  Move with or make a muffled, metallic sound
  • (noun) A thick, solid piece of something
  • Synonyms - piece, hunk, porttion, 
  • Antonyms - stay, spread 
5. Coagulate - गोठणे
  • (verb) (of a fluid, esp. blood) Change to a solid or semisolid state / Cause (a fluid) to change to a solid or semisolid state
  • Synonyms- congeal, clot, cake, solidify, thicken, inspissate
  • Antonyms - liquefy
6. Comatose - बेसावध
  • (adjective) of or in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, esp. as a result of severe injury or illness / of a person or thing) Extremely exhausted, lethargic, or sleepy
  • Synonyms - inactive, dormant, sluggish, lifeless
  • Antonyms - alert, consious
7. Dampen - ओलसर
  • (verb) Make slightly wet / Make less strong or intense / Reduce the amplitude of (a sound source)
  • Synonyms - moisten, wet, damp, dew, sparge, humify, humect
  • Antonyms - dry, drench, heighten
8. Deploy तैनात 
  • (noun) Move (troops) into position for military action / Bring into effective action; utilize
  • Synonyms - use, utilize, employ, put to use
  • Antonyms - misuse, misapply, misemoloy
9. Desideratum - आवश्‍यकता
  • Something that is needed or wanted 
  • Synonyms - requirement, need, essential, requisite 
  • Antonyms - inessential, needless 
10. Gig - दुचाकी घोडागाडी
  • (noun) A harpoonlike device used for catching fish or frogs
  • (verb) Catch fish or frogs using such a device
11. Mutate - उत्परिवर्तन
  • (verb) Change or cause to change in form or nature / (noun) To change the genetic material of a cell
  • Synonyms - change, modify, transform, convert, evolve
  • Antonyms - stay  stabilize, remain
12. Myriad - असंख्य 
  • (adjective) Countless or extremely great in number
  • Synonyms - Countless, endless, multiple, infinite
  • Antonyms -bounded, calculable, countable limited, measurable
13. Pall आवरण
  • (noun) A cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb / A dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter / Something regarded as enveloping a situation with an air of gloom, heaviness, or fear
  • (verb) Become less appealing or interesting through familiarity
  • Synonyms - overshadow, take the fun out of, mar, blight
  • Antonyms - excitement, brightness
14. Parody - विडंबन
  • (verb) Produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or genre) / Mimic humorously
  • (noun) An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect
  • Synonyms - burlesque, joke, caricature, satire, farce, 
  • Antonyms - flattery, reality, praise, truth
15. Poised - समतोल
  • (adjective) Having a composed and self-assured manner / Having a graceful and elegant bearing
  • Synonyms- self - possessed, self - assured, composed, assured, calm, cool
  • Antonyms - excited, flustered, inelegant
16. Precarious - अनिश्चित
  • (adjective ) Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse
  • (meaning) not safe or certain, dangerous 
  • Synonyms - uncertain, insecure, risky, perilous, unsafe
  • Antonyms - safe, secure, certain, stable
17. Prerogative  पूर्वग्रह परमाधिकार 
  • (adjective) Arising from the prerogative of the Crown (usually delegated to the government or the judiciary) and based in common law rather than statutory law
  • (noun) A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class
  • Synonyms - entitlement, right, privilege, advantage
  • Antonyms - duty, obligation
18. Robust -   मजबूत 
  • (adjective) (of a person, animal, or plant) Strong and healthy; vigorous
  • Synonyms - strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful 
  • Antonyms - weak, frail, insipid, tasteless
 19. Straddle - पायघोळ
  • (verb) Sit or stand with one leg on either side of
  • Synonyms - lie on both sides of, be situated on both sides of, extent across
20. Surreal - अतिरेकी
  • (adjective) Having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre
  • Synonyms - unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike.
  • Antonyms - general, typical, real, unremarkable, natural, conventional, prosaic
21. Undermine    सुरू
  • (verb) Erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation)
  • Synonyms - erode, wear away, excavate, sap
  • Antonyms - enhance, improve, strengthen 
English, Grammar, Synonyms, antonyms, meaning


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